What are the Benefits of Orthokeratology?

Orthokeratology, also known as corneal refractive therapy (CRT), is a non-surgical vision correction treatment that has gained significant attention in recent years. This innovative approach to vision correction offers a range of benefits that may surprise you.

Understanding Orthokeratology

Orthokeratology, or Ortho-K, as it's commonly called, is a non-invasive vision correction technique that utilizes specially designed contact lenses to temporarily reshape the cornea. These lenses, worn overnight, gradually and gently flatten or steepen specific areas of the cornea, effectively changing its curvature and altering the way light enters the eye. This reshaping process can correct refractive errors, allowing you to enjoy clear, sharp vision during the day without the need for glasses or daytime contact lenses.

The Ortho-K process involves wearing a set of custom-fitted, gas-permeable contact lenses while you sleep. These lenses are designed to apply gentle pressure on specific areas of the cornea, temporarily reshaping its curvature. Over time, the cornea gradually adjusts to this new shape, which in turn corrects the refractive errors that were causing your vision problems. Once the lenses are removed in the morning, your vision remains clear and sharp throughout the day without the need for additional corrective lenses.

Conditions that Can be Treated with Orthokeratology

Orthokeratology is primarily used to treat the following refractive errors:

  • Myopia (Nearsightedness): Ortho-K is highly effective in reducing or eliminating myopia, allowing you to enjoy clear distance vision without the need for glasses or daytime contact lenses.
  • Hyperopia (Farsightedness): Orthokeratology can also be used to correct hyperopia, improving your ability to see objects up close.
  • Astigmatism: Ortho-K can effectively treat astigmatism, a condition where the cornea is irregularly shaped, by reshaping the cornea to a more uniform curvature.

Who is a Good Candidate for Orthokeratology?

Orthokeratology is suitable for a wide range of individuals, including:

  • Children and Adolescents: Ortho-K is particularly beneficial for young people, as it can slow the progression of myopia and provide a safe, reversible vision correction option.
  • Active Individuals: Orthokeratology is an excellent choice for those who lead an active lifestyle, as it eliminates the need for glasses or daytime contact lenses.
  • Individuals with Dry Eyes: Ortho-K can help alleviate the symptoms of dry eyes, making it a viable option for those who struggle with this condition.
  • People with Mild to Moderate Refractive Errors: Orthokeratology is most effective in treating mild to moderate myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism.


The Benefits of Orthokeratology

Ortho-K offers numerous benefits, particularly for individuals seeking a non-surgical solution to vision correction. By wearing specially designed contact lenses overnight, Ortho-K gently reshapes the cornea, allowing for clear vision during the day without the need for glasses or daytime contacts. This treatment is especially beneficial for children and teenagers, as it has been shown to slow the progression of myopia (nearsightedness).

Additionally, Ortho-K is a convenient option for athletes and those with active lifestyles, providing freedom from traditional eyewear while reducing the risk of eye infections often associated with daily contact lens wear. Ortho-K is a safe, effective, and reversible option for vision correction that enhances both vision quality and lifestyle flexibility.

Get Started with Contact Lens Institute of Delaware Today

Ortho-K is a remarkable vision correction technique that offers a range of benefits, from improved visual acuity to reduced dependency on corrective lenses. Whether you're an active individual, a child or adolescent, or someone struggling with dry eyes, Ortho-K may be the solution you've been searching for.

To learn more about the benefits of Orthokeratology and determine if it's the right vision correction option for you, contact Contact Lens Institute of Delaware. We will guide you through the process and help you achieve clear, comfortable vision. Visit our office in Lewes, Delaware, or call (302) 569-3937 to book an appointment today.