How Well Does Orthokeratology Work Over Long Periods of Time?

Studies have shown the effectiveness of orthokeratology in children with myopia. Patients with low, medium, or high myopia show improvements after ortho-k. This also applies to those with myopia in the presence of astigmatism. Ortho-k is the only myopia control treatment that slows the growth of the myopic eye for patients with anisometropic and monocular myopia.

Here is how well orthokeratology works over long periods of time.


Understanding Orthokeratology


Orthokeratology (ortho-k) is a myopia-control treatment that involves the use of custom contact lenses. The specially fitted lenses correct myopia by reshaping the corneal curvature. A series of specially designed rigid lenses gradually remolds the cornea.

Patients wear the lenses while they sleep as directed. The period of wear depends on the patient's diagnosis or the severity of the myopia. Improvements to vision are usually temporary.


Is Orthokeratology Permanent


Orthok causes corneal flattening or reshaping, which helps to improve vision. The treatment affects the front part of the cornea surface, gently compressing and expanding the desired areas. The results are not permanent and wear off when the patient stops wearing the lenses.

For most patients, the cornea returns to its original state within a week after stopping treatment. Wearing retainer lenses can keep your vision from deteriorating. Ortho-k can halt or slow myopia progression in children.


Efficacy of Ortho-K Treatment


Orthokeratology is a non-surgical, painless, safe, and effective myopia treatment. It can help prevent axial-length elongation in myopic children. While the lenses are usually recommended for children, adults with myopia can benefit from the treatment.

New research shows that it is possible to boost the short-term benefits of ortho-k by combining it with 0.01% atropine. Altering the treatment area size can also improve results. Accurate fitting of the overnight lenses is essential for the success of the treatment.


Long-term Effects of Ortho-K


Studies found that orthokeratology was highly effective and predictable. It also has a low incidence of severe ocular issues. It means ortho-k is a safe, long-term solution for managing and correcting myopia.

While they are rare, complications from orthokinesis are more common in adults than in children in the first year of treatment. There is an increased risk of microbial keratitis with overnight lens wear. After the one-year mark, ocular complications are slightly higher in children than adults.


Side Effects of Ortho-K


Studies show corneal staining is a common effect of long-term orthokeratology. It is largely associated with high myopia, especially among younger children. Other less common effects are:

  • Iron deposits
  • Changes in corneal biomechanical properties
  • Fibrillary lines
  • Lesions
  • Corneal thinning due to lengthy treatment duration

Advances in treatment have led to a reduction in complications.

Scheduling regular checkups will help to ensure orthokeratology treatment remains effective. Results vary among individuals. It is vital to wear the lenses as directed to prevent complications. Proper contact lens care can also prevent corneal complications. Correct fitting, improved lens designs, and a good cleaning regimen can help to protect the eye surface. Ortho-k treatment is most effective for patients with low myopia.

For more on how well orthokeratology works over long periods of time, visit the Contact Lens Institute of Delaware. Our office is in Lewes, Delaware. Call (302) 569-3937 to book an appointment today.